Make Resume in Mobile – To apply for a job, it is very important for you to have a Resume, if you tell about Resume, then it is a type of document in which our personal introduction, educational qualification and skills etc. written in simple and very few words. keeps happening.
If you want to know about Resume Kaise Banaye from mobile, then this post is going to be very beneficial for all of you, because on this post we will tell about Mobile Se Resume Kaise Banaye which will help you to create Resume from your mobile. will assist in
Resume is one of the very important documents, if your resume looks good and all the details written by you in it will be written well and in less words then it will help you in getting the job. So let’s know about Mobile Se Resume Kaise Banaye.
If you want to apply for a job somewhere, then you probably know about Resume, and if you do not know, then tell that Resume is a type of document, in this document your educational qualification, skill, achievement, award It is written about well and in few words.
If told in simple language, Resume is such a document that helps in telling the important information related to you to someone in short and simple words. When we go to apply for a job, we are first asked about our resume there.
Talking about Resume, this is the first and main step to get a job, because it is through Resume that an interviewer gets to know about you very well, whether you are eligible to work or not. The better you make the resume, the better it will be for you.
What is written in Resume?
If you want to create a resume from mobile, then for the information, let us tell you that you have to enter many important information in your resume such as your personal detail (name, age, phone number and address), educational qualification and previous work. Experience etc.
How To Create Resume From Mobile
The role of Resume is very important to get any job, so you should make your Resume well. If you think that it is difficult to create a resume from mobile, then let us tell you that you can easily create a resume by the process given below. So tell us about how to create a resume from mobile, then it is –
Step-1: To create a resume from mobile, you have to go to the Play Store and download the Resume Builder app. If you want, you can also download the app by clicking on download below.
Step-2: After the Resume Builder app is downloaded, you have to open the app.
Step-3: Once the Resume Builder app is opened, you have to click on the Create option at the bottom.
Step-4: After clicking on the option of Create, you have to click on the option of Personal Detail.
Step-5: After clicking on the option of Personal Detail, you will get to see many options like –
Name – In this field you have to write your name.
Address – In this field you have to write your home address.
Email – In this field you have to write your Email ID.
Phone – In this field you have to write your phone number.
Photo – The photo you want to add to your resume, you have to add that photo by clicking on this field.
After filling all the required fields of Personal Detail correctly, you have to click on Save option below.
Step-6: After clicking on the option of Save, you have to click on the option of Education.
Step-7: After clicking on the option of Education, you have to click on the option of “+ Add”, after that you will get to see many fields like –
Course/Degree – The course of which you have a degree, you have to write it on this field like suppose you have a degree of B.Com, then you have to write on this field.
University – On this field you have to write the name of your college or university.
Grade – After doing any course or degree, we get a grade, you have to write the grade of the same degree on this option.
Year – Between which year you did your degree course, you have to write it on this option as if your degree course is between 2010 to 2013, then you have to write 2010-13 on this option.
After writing Course, University, Grade and Year, if you want to add any other course, then you can add it by clicking on Add. So after filling all the fields of Education option correctly, you have to click on the option of Save.
Note – Do not write anything about the degree that you really have, because you have to show the original document to the interviewer along with your resume, so if you have any information If you write it in the same resume, then it spreads the wrong impression on your resume later.
Step-8: After clicking on the option of Save, you have to click on the option of Experience.
Step-9: After clicking on the option of Experience, you have to click on the option of Add, after that you will get to see many fields like –
Company Name – You have to write the name of the company on which you worked earlier on this field.
Job Title – You have to write the job in which position you did in the previous job, like if you did the work of Data Analyst, then you have to write Data Analyst on the field of Job Title.
Start Date – You have to write on this field the date you started your previous job.
End Date – You have to write on this field the date you left the previous job.
Details – On this field you will have to write your previous job experience, like how was the job, what did you learn from the job etc.
So after filling all the fields of Experience option correctly, you have to click on Save option. If you have not worked anywhere before, then you can leave this option.
Step-10: After clicking on the option of Save, you have to click on the option of Skills.
Step-11: After clicking on the Skills option, you will have to write the skills that you get, then by clicking on the level below, you will have to choose the level of your skill like if you are very good in your skill then you will get 5 And if you have average in your skill, then you have to click on 3 or 4.
After adding Skills, if you want to add more Skills to your Resume, then you have to add all the Skills one by one by clicking on the Add option and then click on the Save option.
Step-12: After clicking on Save, you have to click on the Objective option and then what you will do to grow the company for the job you are applying for, you will have to write it on this field and then after that You have to click on the option of Save.
Note – “This field is very important for Resume, so you have to write this field well. What you want to do for the development of the job, you have to write well and in short words on this option.
Step-13: After clicking on the Save option, you have to click on the option of Projects, then by clicking on Add, you will have to write the name and description of the project well and then click on the option of Save.
If you have completed a project before, only then you add the project to your resume otherwise there is no need to add the project to the resume.
Step-14: After clicking on the option of Save, you have to click on the option of View CV below.
Step-15: After clicking on the option of View Resume, you will get to see many templates, out of which you have to click on the template you want to add to your resume.
Step-16: After clicking on the template, your resume will be created after which you will have to click on Download.
After clicking on Download, the resume will be downloaded on your mobile, after which you can print your resume, or you can directly send your resume to someone through mail.
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Conclusion: – The role of Resume is very important to apply in any job, if you did not know that Resume Kaise Banaye from mobile then hopefully, after reading this post you must have known well that Mobile Se Resume Kaise Banaye.