SSL is an encryption protocol used in the Internet. This protocol provides a secure connection between internet browsers and websites that allows Internet users to securely exchange their private data with other websites. The full form of SSL is Secure Sockets Layer.

In today’s time, almost all the websites are using SSL. SSL protocol is being used by crores of people doing online business so that they can protect their customers and the online transactions being done by them and by using it it will be impossible for the hacker to steal the customer’s data from the middle of that contact. .

Websites that use SSL have a domain name (eg with a picture of a locked lock attached to it, which is visible in the url of our Internet browser and https is written instead of http. With the domain name, it shows that the website is completely secure.

If a user clicks on the picture of the lock that appears in the address bar, then from there the website that the user is viewing shows the SSL certification, identification and all other information to the user. Every website has a unique SSL certificate.

With SSL:
Without SSL:

SSL is also called TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. It can be used not only in the website but also in e-mail and everywhere else.

If a person is running an e-commerce site then it is very important for him to use SSL because in this site all his information is taken from the customer to make payment.

You must have known that what is SSL? So let’s know how does this work? SSL certificate uses two types of keys; One is the public key and the other is the private key.

Together these two keys make a secure connection through which the data is shared in a secure way.

When we want to know something about a subject or buy something, we write the name of a website in our web browser. After that the web browser connects with the server of that website which is using SSL protocol.

The user requests the server of that website from his browser to give his identity. After giving the request, the web server sends a copy of its SSL certificate along with a copy of it to a public key browser.

After that the user checks that certificate so that the user can decide whether he can trust it to share his private data with that website or not. After checking, when the user decides to trust him, then again he sends an encrypt message to his server.

The web server decrypts that encrypt message, after that it sends an acknowledgment to the browser that SSL encryption should be started with the user, after that the private data of the user is exchanged between the browser and the web server in a secure manner which is completely remains confidential.

Types of SSL

There are many types of SSL and they are different for different websites. Some are cheap and some are expensive. Let’s get to know about them.

1. Wildcard SSL Certificate
With the help of this SSL Certificate, you can provide security to your domain and all sub-domains. Here you get domain and organization validation.

2. Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificate
With the help of a Multi-Domain SSL, you can keep 250 domains secure. Here you get Domain Validation, Organization Validation and Extended Validation.

3. EV SSL Certificate
This SSL is made for your business, which shows your business name along with greening the address bar of the web browser. This is a highly recognized and encrypted SSL certificate.

4. Domain Validated SSL
Most bloggers and small websites use it. It provides medium level security.

5. Organization Validation SSL
It is used to verify and provide security to online business. This lets the costumer know that they are visiting a secure and verified website.

6. Code Signing Certificate
With its help, you can keep your software code secure. Along with this, it also provides security to your files and applications.

7. Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate
If you want to secure many domains and all their sub-domains at once, then you can use it. It has the ability to keep 250 domains and all their sub-domains secure.
Where to buy SSL?

SSL service is provided by many big companies to name a few of them – GoDaddy, BigRock, HostGator etc. When we buy hosting server for our website, then that hosting company also provides SSL service where we can buy hosting as well as buy SSL certificate for our website which will keep our website secure.

If we buy SSL certificate from the given companies, then we have to fill the amount given to it, only then we will be able to take full advantage of it. But there are also many companies that provide SSL services for free.

The name of one of them is Let’s Encrypt, it is a project of Internet Research Group which provides SSL certificate to the common people for free. Let’s Encrypt is sponsored by many companies like Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Cisco, etc.

Conclusion:- In this article, go to what is SSL (What is SSL in Hindi), how it works and where to buy? If you want some more information related to SSL, then you can comment below.


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